An open letter from a Sheriff Deputy...
To Whom it may concern,
I am writing this letter to show and express my support for Mrs. Hannah Fortune and her organization [Ladies of Law Enforcement]. I am a deputy sheriff with the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office and have been privileged to serve our community for the past 24 years. In August of 2017, I had the honor of volunteering my time to provide security for the Blue Wives Matter (2017's Event name) event held in Shalimar, Florida.
This event runs true to my heart and passion for our law enforcement families in our area. I have had the solemn and honored duty of escorting 4 of my fallen brothers to their final resting place during my tenure as a member of the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard. I have held family members as they tried to come to grips with the loss they just suffered. I’ve stood by and watched as my law enforcement family and community paid tributes to their ultimate sacrifice while standing a watch on The Thin Blue Line.
During such times as these, when we gather together around these families, you can see the question etched upon the faces in the crowd “Will I ever get the call telling me my loved one has been hurt or even worse killed?” That feeling is something they live with each time their loved one kisses them goodbye before starting another shift and walking out the door.
The [Ladies of Law Enforcement] Organization understands that feeling. They take to heart the emotional toll it places on these unsung warriors. These wives my not ride in the patrol car, or walk a beat with their husbands, but they help deal and council their husbands when they arrive safely back home. They have sacrificed holidays and family events, all for the sake of Protecting and Serving our community.
The compassion of Mrs. Fortune is evident by the hours and hours she has spent putting together events for our wives and loved ones. She takes the time and effort to remind them that they are not forgotten, they are loved and appreciated. She, along with her volunteers, are a constant reminder that “In this family, no one fights alone!”
I hope that you give [Ladies of Law Enforcement] and Mrs. Fortune, all the help and support that is needed for this organization to continue to provide a much-needed resource to our law enforcement families.
Deputy Daniel P. Jenkins
Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office